One idea given its own time gives birth to more ideas, even if that idea itself fails. When it is not given the required time the idea gets destroyed along with any new ideas it might have produced. As explained in Viduraniti (विदुरनीती)
वनस्पतेरपक्वानि फलानि प्रचिनोति यः ।
स नाप्नोति रसं तेभ्यो बीजं चास्य विनश्यति ॥ १५॥
स नाप्नोति रसं तेभ्यो बीजं चास्य विनश्यति ॥ १५॥
One who harvests fruits before they ripe can not enjoy their juice and also destroys their seed.
यस्तु पक्वमुपादत्ते काले परिणतं फलम् ।
फलाद्रसं स लभते बीजाच्चैव फलं पुनः ॥ १६॥
यस्तु पक्वमुपादत्ते काले परिणतं फलम् ।
फलाद्रसं स लभते बीजाच्चैव फलं पुनः ॥ १६॥
One who harvests ripened fruits enjoys their juice and grows further fruits from their seed.
Marvelous thing about His creation is that the creation itself capable of having new ideas which it wants to realize. A being wants to grow, sustain and also reproduce. It has ideas to improve the quality of seed, quality of fruit and itself. These ideas are endless and numerous. But these beings are not as patient as the Creator himself. They want it quick, fast, right now. But He is compassionate, loving and resourceful. He solves that problem also, but using an already proven idea. As described in Manusmriti (1:65) ("रात्रि: स्वप्नाय भूतानां चेष्टायै कर्मणामह:"), He created days and nights for them similar to what He did for himself. He provides them with shorter cycles and containerized environments where the beings can incubate their ideas, nurture them and contribute back when they had their own time. That is how the Creation flourishes and goes on forever and forever.
Today we are seeing ever increasing, overwhelming, self-accelerating demand to innovate, produce new things, solve new problems. But the solution has been already thought long back and is well documented. It only needs to be adapted to the modern conditions and implemented.